C++ Virtual Function #include <iostream> using namespace std ; class Foo1 { public : virtual void show () { // 虛擬函式 cout << "Foo1's show" << endl ; } }; class Foo2 : public Foo1 { public : virtual void show () { // 虛擬函式 cout << "Foo2's show" << endl ; } }; void showFooByPtr ( Foo1 * foo ) { foo -> show (); } void showFooByRef ( Foo1 & foo ) { foo . show (); } int main () { Foo1 f1 ; Foo2 f2 ; // 動態繫結 showFooByPtr (& f1 ); showFooByPtr (& f2 ); cout << endl ; // 動態繫結 showFooByRef ( f1 ); showFooByRef ( f2 ); cout << endl ; // 靜態繫結 f1 . show (); f2 . show (); return 0 ; }
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C++ Hooking (using Dev-C++ 5.11 on Windows) compile and run following .cpp file Virtual Function Hook --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; class C{ public: virtual void VF(int); }; void C::VF(int a){ printf("VF is called\n") ; } typedef void (__thiscall* VF_type) (int ); VF_type org_VF; void __fastcall hk_VF(int a){ printf("hook func is called.\n"); org_VF(a); } int main(){ C* pC = new C(); void** base = *(void***)pC; org_VF = (VF_type)base[0]; org_VF(0); //DWORD oldProtection; //VirtualProtect(base, 4, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtection); base[0] = (void*) &hk_VF; //VirtualProtect(base, 4, oldProtection, 0); pC->VF(0); return 0; } ---------------------------------
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Tool 1. tshark * 參考 : https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10196772 [列出網卡資訊] >tshark -D [輸出成 pcap 檔] >tshark -i 8 -w C:\Users\BlackTea\Desktop\test.pcap 2. qemu [Boot from an .iso file but can't install ] >qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,media=cdrom,readonly,file=C:\Users\BlackTea\Downloads\ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso -m 1024 (test in guest os) $sudo fdisk -l => /dev/loop0 .... 3. VirtualBox [ Convert .vdi to raw, qed, qcow2, vhd, vmdk ] Reference : https://medium.com/@lonardogio/convert-vdi-virtualbox-to-raw-in-windows-c96bded29640
作業系統 Hello World
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作業系統 Operating System How system boot 一. Hello, World ( 用 qemu & nasm ) >nasm -f bin -o helloWorld helloWorld.asm >qemu-system-x86_64 -hda C:\Users\BlackTea\Desktop\Code\Assembly\Example\helloWorld *helloWorld.asm =================================================================== org 7c00h jmp short Start Message: db 'Hello, World!' Start: mov ax, 3 int 10h mov ax, cs mov es, ax mov bp, Message mov cx, 13 mov ax, 1301h mov bx, 000fh mov dl, 0 mov dh, 0 int 10h jmp $ times 510 - ( $ - $$) db 0 dw 0xaa55 ==================================================================== 二. Hello World *將機械碼寫入到 硬碟(USB 隨身碟) 的MBR磁區 (參考: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/Bootloaders ) 具體作法: 1.編寫 os.asm 2.使用 nasm 將 os.asm 組譯成 os.bin(一種 flat-form 二進制檔案) 3.將 os.bin 寫入到 硬碟(USB 隨身碟) 的MBR磁區 1. os.asm ========================os.asm==================== org 7C00h j